The Past Few Weeks
Well, I seem to have not done a proper update over the past few weeks, which is unfortunate, given the number of semi-important things that have happened. So now, you get a nice long dump of stuff that I need to tell you all (who read this).
First up: Last week was my last week of school-related stuff. Monday consisted of rehearsals, and more rehearsals, Tuesday consisted of a 4-hour rehearsal, which all led up to the School Speech Night, which, for those of you unfamiliar with Hutchins Stuff is a large assembly at Wrest Point which involves the giving out of prizes and such stuff. So I got to walk up on stage for that. I got the award for Senior Debater (which means that I am a good debater), the Prize for Computer Science, and a special prize for Service to IT, for which I selects a few hardcovers.
The aforementioned rehearsals was for the production during the Speech Night, where I was in the backing choir. We basically did a whole heap of motown stuff, which went down really well.
Friday, I again spent at Wrest Point, setting up for our Leavers’ Dinner, which was that evening. Notable Photables will be in the next post.
Finally, I got proper TCE results yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised (after finding out what my awards were), where I was expecting to scrape an HA in Maths, I actually aced the exam, which I was incredibly happy with. So, I ended up 1EA, 1HA and 2CA’s, plus an EA-equivalent at Uni, which gave me a high enough TER for the degree I want to do, which, incidentally, I got my offer for yesterday. So all is good!
Hope you’ve all appreciated the update.
Bye now!