Because my insanity knows no bounds, I’m helping out with a second miniconf at 2011 in Brisbane.

It’s called the FOSS in Research and Student Innovation Miniconf, and I’m running it with my fellow ex-UTAS Honours Student, Peter Lyle. Here’s how we describe it in the CFP:

The FOSS in Research and Student Innovation Miniconf brings together researchers and students with an active interest in Free and Open Source Software with the broader community to highlight exciting work taking place within the often esoteric world of academia and educational institutions.

The Miniconf is part of 2011, being held at the QUT Gardens Point Campus in Brisbane, Queensland in January. It’s being organised by Peter Lyle of the Urban Informatics Research Lab at the Queensland University of Technology and Christopher Neugebauer from TUCS, the University of Tasmania Computing Society. You can e-mail them at

The CFP is now open at the Miniconf web site, so if you’ve got something to say, please do submit a proposal!