2011 Miniconf Timetables etc.
I’m pleased to announce that the two miniconfs that I am involved with at 2011, the Open Programming Miniconf and the FOSS in Research & Student Innovation Miniconf have published their draft schedules:
- Open Programming Miniconf
FOSS in Research & Student Innovation Miniconf </ul> Unfortunately, you’ll also notice that both Miniconfs lack a complete schedule at this point in time. If you have a talk that would be of interest to either miniconf, we’d love it if you could submit a proposal as soon as possible so that we can publish our completed schedules! The CFPs for each miniconf are available from:
- Open Programming Miniconf
- FOSS in Research & Student Innovation Miniconf </ul> I look forward to seeing you at either of these miniconfs, presenting or otherwise!
- Open Programming Miniconf