Crap. I forgot to do my regular updating of this site, oh well. So it’s now time to let you all know what’s been going on with my life over the past few weeks, and what the future (hopefully) holds.

The Past

Firstly, Uni exams finished a little over a week and a half ago, and as far as I can tell, they went fairly well for me. Over the two-week-long exam time, I had two lots of two consecutive days worth of exams: Maths and Chem for the first week, and my Computing Subjects during the second. Overall, the one I believe I did least-well in is Maths (but the marking scheme should compensate there), with the rest of them probably being equal in well-donedness… but we’ll see — I never have very good feelings about maths exams. One particular highlight of the exams was being able to use two useless pieces of info I learned for chem, verbatim. Things like that just make your day if they come off well 🙂

The culmination of one school term’s worth of Tutoring work occurred during the middle of exam time, with the Prog Comp Team that I coached competing in ProgComp (duh); they won their division quite convincingly (33% ahead of the next team down), but didn’t quite make the cutoff for the finals, hence, I won’t be going to Sydney to supervise — hopefully next year, and at this rate, it doesn’t look too unlikely.

The Future

In relation to my future Uni Study, I’m taking a newly-offered advanced computing unit, which is to be held in Launceston, starting from next Monday; aside from being in Launceston (which in reality isn’t hugely problematic), it should be great fun, and I’ll learn a heap in anticipation of the ACM comp that is due to happen in September. There is however an exam on the 15th of July which is, incidentally, my 19th Birthday (more on that one later)

In next semester proper, I’m reducing my load of first-year subjects (thank god), with the intention of filling prerequisites for next year more quickly. I’ll be studying the following:

  • KXT203 Software Construction, which is a 2nd-year Software Engineering unit, which is evidently compulsory for my CS major. Although it’ll in general likely be boring, it appears as though it teaches some useful things like how to use version control (I never bothered learning), and some intermediate Java stuff (could end up being dreadful there).
  • KXT206 Artificial Intelligence, a second year AI unit, which teaches a whole heap of AI techniques, as well as programming in Prolog, which is certain to be an eye-opening experience.
  • KMA154 Calculus and Applications 1B, the conclusion of the maths I did last semester.
  • KRA114 Chemistry 1B, the conclusion of the Chemistry I did last semester.</a>

In general, I’ve decided to revise my Major Study from two majors in Computer Science to a single one, and supplementing that with a major in Maths (specialising in Algebra & Applications, and Operations Research [which is a strand of applied maths that relies heavily on algorithms and the like, so good for me there]).

Finally, it’s my Birthday in two weeks time, and at the moment, it looks like I’ll be doing minimal to celebrate it on the day, as I have a couple of completely unavoidable non-personal commitments on the day; that said, the majority of readers of this site should catch me at the Justs’ Annual Bonfire night, which as far as I know, is on the 14th.

That’s all for now, more posts when I can be bothered.