Living in California, I’ve (sadly) grown accustomed to needing to keep track of our local air quality index (AQI) ratings, particularly as we live close to places where large wildfires happen every other year.

Last year, Josh and I bought a PurpleAir outdoor air quality meter, which has been great. We contribute our data to a collection of very local air quality meters, which is important, since the hilly nature of the North Bay means that the nearest government air quality ratings can be significantly different to what we experience here in Petaluma.

I recently went looking to pull my PurpleAir sensor data into my Home Assistant setup. Unfortunately, the PurpleAir API does not return the AQI metric for air quality, only the raw PM2.5/PM5/PM10 numbers. After some searching, I found a nice template sensor solution on the Home Assistant forums, which I’ve modernised by adding the AQI as a sub-sensor, and adding unique ID fields to each useful sensor, so that you can assign them to a location.

You’ll end up with sensors for raw PM2.5, the PM2.5 AQI value, the US EPA air quality category, air pressure, relative humidity and air pressure.

How to use this

First up, visit the PurpleAir Map, find the sensor you care about, click “get this widget”, and then “JSON”. That will give you the URL to set as the resource key in purpleair.yaml.

Adding the configuration

In HomeAssistant, add the following line to your configuration.yaml:

sensor: !include purpleair.yaml

and then add the following contents to purpleair.yaml

 - platform: rest
   name: 'PurpleAir'

   # Substitute in the URL of the sensor you care about.  To find the URL, go
   # to, find your sensor, click on it, click on "Get This
   # Widget" then click on "JSON".

   # Only query once a minute to avoid rate limits:
   scan_interval: 60

   # Set this sensor to be the AQI value.
   # Code translated from JavaScript found at:
   value_template: >
     {{ value_json["results"][0]["Label"] }}
   unit_of_measurement: ""
   # The value of the sensor can't be longer than 255 characters, but the
   # attributes can.  Store away all the data for use by the templates below.
     - results

 - platform: template
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_aqi_pm25'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir PM2.5 AQI'
       value_template: >
         {% macro calcAQI(Cp, Ih, Il, BPh, BPl) -%}
           {{ (((Ih - Il)/(BPh - BPl)) * (Cp - BPl) + Il)|round|float }}
         {%- endmacro %}
         {% if (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 1000 %}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 350.5 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 500.0, 401.0, 500.0, 350.5) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 250.5 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 400.0, 301.0, 350.4, 250.5) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 150.5 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 300.0, 201.0, 250.4, 150.5) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 55.5 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 200.0, 151.0, 150.4, 55.5) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 35.5 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 150.0, 101.0, 55.4, 35.5) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) > 12.1 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 100.0, 51.0, 35.4, 12.1) }}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float) >= 0.0 %}
           {{ calcAQI((states('sensor.purpleair_pm25')|float), 50.0, 0.0, 12.0, 0.0) }}
         {% else %}
         {% endif %}
       unit_of_measurement: "bit"
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_description'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir AQI Description'
       value_template: >
         {% if (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 401.0 %}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 301.0 %}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 201.0 %}
           Very Unhealthy
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 151.0 %}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 101.0 %}
           Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 51.0 %}
         {% elif (states('sensor.purpleair_aqi')|float) >= 0.0 %}
         {% else %}
         {% endif %}
       entity_id: sensor.purpleair
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_pm25'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir PM 2.5'
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.purpleair','results')[0]['PM2_5Value'] }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "μg/m3"
       entity_id: sensor.purpleair
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_temperature'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir Temperature'
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.purpleair','results')[0]['temp_f'] }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "°F"
       entity_id: sensor.purpleair
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_humidity'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir Humidity'
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.purpleair','results')[0]['humidity'] }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "%"
       entity_id: sensor.purpleair
       unique_id: 'purpleair_SENSORID_pressure'
       friendly_name: 'PurpleAir Pressure'
       value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.purpleair','results')[0]['pressure'] }}"
       unit_of_measurement: "hPa"
       entity_id: sensor.purpleair


I had difficulty getting the AQI to display as a numeric graph when I didn’t set a unit. I went with bit, and that worked just fine. 🤷‍♂️